Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 51

Well... I will say this first. Best week of my entire mission! Some things I can't share, but I will share what I can.
It's been a week of injuries! Tuesday we get a call from an investigator, she was wakeboarding and her she caught an edge and the wakeboard somehow managed to smack her in the back of the head, splitting it open beautifully. We gave her a blessing. We also had a lesson, in which I was positive she was going to get her answer. We were so close to having her pray to know the truth right there. She wouldn't. I was on my knees for probably 10 or 15 minutes. Painful.
Wednesday we have a lesson with Ryan Begay, who is getting baptized soon, then we had to go to the mission office and get Elder Hall certified to drive, all new missionaries have to do that. We spent a LOT of time there, I even had to drive around the vehicle coordinator for a bit. It was good though, he loves me, and thinks I am the most responsible Elder in the mission, so I was worried that I would change his opinion... but thankfully I'm the best driver I know! I was mostly worried that our car was messy. So after that we go to Mark, a new investigator. We get there and he has a paper entitled "Scriptures to use with Mormons" That didn't go well. I can't argue against stupid statements, or rather explain and discuss them. He had some really dumb points, straining at gnats. We wont be back.
Thursday was my one year mark! I got a delicious cake and a jar of pickles from the Kharrl family! They are awesome! and then we went to matt kennedy's and he wasn't talking the whole time! it was awesome!
Friday was a really sad day, it was the last time I will see President and Sister Beck, they go home soon, and that was the last zone conference. It was really good!
Sunday was awesome! We were asked to do a Bishops Youth Night for the ward, and we did it on how to be missionaries, we had everyone role play, it was a lot of fun. I gave out 15 copies of the Book of Mormon to the youth to pass out, and it was just so much fun! I love the youth in this ward, they are so great.
Oh Friday night we got a phone call from Ryan Begay, which is strange cause he doesn't have a phone! but he was at the hospital. Thursday night he got jumped, he doesn't know anything about it, a group of guys came from behind him and beat him up pretty bad, his face is really messed up. Poor guy, so we gave him a blessing.
This doesn't show the full epicness of the week, I dont' have time to explain it all, but I loved this week!
Also speaking of injuries, today I sprained my ankle really bad! I was playing basketball and came down on someones foot, I heard a pop. It hurts. But I can walk on it so all is well.
Elder Martin

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