Well, I wish I could report a super exciting week, but I unfortunately cannot! It was good though.
Monday night we did another FHE activity with a family, we played
four square. It was a lot of fun. ummm... hmmm what else happened...
So Isay has been interesting. I'm worried, cause he says no matter
what he is going to be baptized on November 19th. Problem is, we wont
allow it, so I assume he may end up trying to baptize himself... and
that could be real interesting. The week started out real bad with him,
we went over on tuesday and he was still very upset and giving us a
bunch of Book of Mormon verses that supposedly prove why he can't be
disallowed from being baptized for being on probation. We provided
counter scriptures, and he said "show me one scripture where someone
wasn't allowed to be baptized" So I showed him one in Acts where Peter
tells a group of people to repent and be baptized, and then he tells the
sanhedrin to repent and be converted, so that by the time judgement
comes they might be able to be forgiven of their sins... we explained
that they weren't allowed to be baptized in this life for their works
against the Savior and their responsibility in his murder. He didn't
like that, he said "Well that was wrong of Peter, no one can say that...
that's why there are so many churches today! ya know what, I bet that
every time someone is told they can't be baptized, they just start their
own church. Maybe that's what I will do!" So we flooded him with
apostasy scriptures, showing it to be a BAD Idea.
We went over Saturday and he had calmed down considerably, he has a
lot of questions, and still argues, but he wasn't as contentious, and
is more willing to learn and listen and pray. We're again a bit excited
about him.
Saturday we did a service project, the stake one. It was fun I
guess... but I didn't get to wear a helping hands shirt =[. But it was
still good.
Thursday and Friday we stayed in all day cause Elder Geren has been
sick. But it was good, I got to learn a lot of great things. Number 1
was a statement made by Joseph Smith, something to the effect of "Weary
the Lord, until He blesses you." That is my new theme. There are
righteous things that I desire, I want people to teach, I want more
faith, so on, and thus I will ask until I receive, there is a parable
about it as well in the bible. The Lord WANTS to bless us, but
according to the Bible Dictionary, the highest of blessings are
conditional upon our asking for them!
I love that all prayers are answered. I love that everything that
we teach in this church are TRUE. One investigator we have... or rather
a recent convert who is less active, told us of an article she read by
an LDS guy about how you dont' have to be fully engaged in the church,
about how there isn't just black and white, about how you can stay on
middle ground, still live how you want and go to church and pick what
you want to believe. AH! It was horrible, who would write such an awful
article! I hate the philosophies of certain LDS members of the church,
they go against the Apostles, they want to keep a summer cottage in
Babylon! The Savior himself said that we are either hot or cold, and if
we are lukewarm, he will spew us out of his mouth! sounds like a poor
way to live. I wish everyone would just be obedient to the commandments
of God, life is SO MUCH BETTER! that's my rant for the day. Don't be
stupid, just do whats right.
Elder Martin