Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 61

Well, I left my old planner at home, so I don't remember exactly what happened last week, but I remember the highlights. I can say that it has probably been the most incredible week of my mission, investigators aside.
First of all some sad news. I am being transferred. I have never been transferred in my 14 months out here, I have grown so close to this ward, its a family to me, and its going to be really hard to go. I have dinner scheduled with Bro. Healey tonight, he has been very influential on me here, I have been taking pictures with families lately just in case, and now I'm glad I did. I will now have to go and pack... darn it. I will find out tomorrow my new area and companion, it will be very interesting, we'll see how it goes.
Wednesday we had a leadership meeting for the mission. Best day of my whole mission. A few changes were made as to how we report numbers and just how things are done in general. In the mission we have somewhat gotten away from strict Preach My Gospel standards... different ideas for numbers, what an 'other lesson' means and things like that... and as such a lot of fake things happen... for example to get a new investigator before all we had to do was set up a return appointment with someone after teaching them a couple quick principles... we could pretty much get new investigators whenever we wanted to... of course those things are good to set up return appointments, but the numbers didn't truly reflect what was actually happening... I can't even explain it very well, but it was always a huge frustration to me! We no longer count things that don't need to be counted... such as how many people we contact. The basics of it is, we are no longer being babysat, we are true missionaries, each responsible for his or her own efforts! For some reason it just woke me up in a way, excited me so much! I have thusfar been a good missionary, obedient, hard working, and dependable, based on the fact that it was expected of me, it was done out of my sense of duty. Overnight it has changed, and now I do everything out of a true desire to serve God, out of love for Him, and for those I work with, its going from obedience to charity, which is how I think it should be. I never truly realized I wasn't doing it that way, I love the people, I love the work, but honestly something has just changed... I get home and I have a desire to study instead of go to bed, or to first write in my journal, which I have really slacked on! I AM EATING BREAKFAST! That never happens... that's how crazy this all is, it has changed my breakfast habits! I am so happy and so excited, and so motivated to do all I can, not because I have to report to someone, but because I WANT to do it, because I want to help people come unto Christ. This work is incredible, and I feel so much more like a true missionary now. I love life.
Morgan is getting baptized September 17. Ben Payne is getting baptized Sept. 17. I am leaving tomorrow... I am going to see if I can come back for the baptisms... I am so excited for both of them, they are so incredible, and are going to be powerful members of this church.
Sad news. Elder Kavatoe has left... he goes home today. He was my best friend on the mission, it was really sad to see him go. He was with me for 11 months, 5 weeks as my companion, the rest in my apartment except the last month. So much fun with that tongan!
That's all for today. The church is true, and is awesome! This work is run by revelation, I know it. I love the work and my mission president. Dont' ever forget that this is all run by God... there are difficult times ahead, and they are coming fast, the elect will be deceived... which means that at some point there will be things that come up that will make you question the church, or question the leaders, or your testimony, or something like that. Stick to the Prophet, seek revelation! God will tell you all things what you should do. I know it.
Elder Martin

1 comment:

  1. That was a powerful testimony Jason. It sounds like you have had a mighty change of heart. I love that you are growing and becoming more Christlike. Keep it up.
    Love ya lots


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