Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 60

Not sure what all happened this week...
Wednesday was HOT! I was on exchanges with Elder Labrum in his area, which is the first time I've gone to that area... to get to their area its a five mile bike ride, most of it uphill, all day was biking and walking, it was 116 degrees, and I was fairly sick, but not enough to stay in.
Thursday was worse, I wasn't feeling very well, so I asked for some help so elder Hall could go to our appts that night, we had someone stay in with me... I felt okay to tract and things like that, but sitting inside and teaching I wasn't able to do... strange I know, but still true.
Saturday there were a couple more Baptisms in Elder Kavatoe's ward, after the baptism, I split with him for a few hours so we could practice a musical number we were singing the next day. Or rather, he was singing, and I was strangely enough playing the piano! It was Nearer My God To Thee, and the Bishop requested that he do it, since he is going home soon, and he heard it one day. Then we ran out of miles, and we are stuck for a few days...
Yesterday we had such a great lesson with an investigator Ben, he had before been unable to accept that the church was true, he knew it, but was having a hard time accepting it. We asked him to pray for acceptance, and now he is ready to be baptized! he is willing to do what is necessary to be baptized, and its so awesome to see his faith! He is going to be such a great member of the church, I am excited for him.
Today for a zone activity we played death ball (kinda like dodge ball) and volleyball and basketball, and my district performed the Haka, it was fun.
That's all for this week.
Elder Martin

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