Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 40

I always have so many stories to share, but then when it comes to actually writing them out, I forget them. First things first. I should not be expected to know when Labor day is! I apologize profusely, but I will say, I don't care when it is, as long as he gets baptized. I will continue to indicate that labor day is may 1st. and I will celebrate Labor Day on may 1st.
We've met with that family 3 times this week, it was so fun I love that family! It can be so hard to get through a lesson, and they get so off track, but it is so much fun. I have rarely enjoyed my mission more than when I'm there. Although I will say that the most enjoyable thing is feeling the spirit. Yesterday I taught one of our new investigators in the singles ward. I was on splits so it was me and a return missionary who didn't do much teaching, which was fine. I don't like doing all the talking... which is weird, cause sometimes I think it would be easier that way cause I'm full of pride, but anyway I don't. I was doing most of the talking, as the only missionary in the room, most of the teaching I should say... and I got sick of it, and the Spirit probably got tired of hearing from me too, so he suggested that I invite others to bear their testimony. I asked the head of the house to, and the Spirit just descended on us all, and then the investigator started talking about what he's learned, and basically bore his testimony of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit came even stronger. I knew I needed to point it out, so I did. I told him what I was feeling, cause I knew if I was feeling it, he probably was too, which I told him. I told him what it was, that it was the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the truth of what was being taught. I asked him what he was feeling, and he said "I feel very warm, and confident in what you've taught" YES!! it was an awesome moment. It was a profound experience for me, I love feeling the Spirit that strong.
Saturday we were driving around, and saw that someone in our area had been toilet papered. I knew the house (as I know most houses) and recognized that it was a members home, so we went and cleaned it up. It was a lot of fun, even though it was freezing! and by freezing I mean 48 degrees... which to me is FREEZING! a week ago it was 99 degrees. Also it had rained and soaked all the toilet paper.
Anyway it was a good week, I quite enjoyed my experiences, and I look forward to this week!
Elder Martin

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