Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 14

HI!!! How are you all? Glad to hear it, I'm doing well also thanks much!
Ooooh what wonderful comments, how nice it is to receive them, I would not be offended if I kept getting comments (hint hint).
Oh what a great week its been! I am so excited to be here, and for the work to continue to progress, and it will move at a now accelerated rate. Transfers came, and I have a new companion! His name is Elder Farnsworth from Centerville Utah, he is an incredible missionary, very hard worker, and we get along great! I would be just fine with being his companion for the next year+. I'm learning much, and growing much. I love what I'm doing, and I love the people here.
Chris, you asked about the members. The members here are incredible! I can't wait to do a "Mission tour" after my mission to come back and visit these people, I assume some of my favorite people throughout my entire mission will come from the Waddell ward. I just love these people! I love the investigators we have as well! we have two baptisms coming up that I have been greatly anticipating, I'm so excited for them both.
Last Friday we had dinner with a less active/part member family, we learned they had a wedding at their house (reception rather) the following night, so we thought we'd show up. We came and asked what we could help with, and after much persuasion we convinced them we were serious. We served food. Through serving food, we got to see/talk to over 300 people! too bad we couldn't give them pass along cards or teach them anything, but it was great exposure for us. Plus we were able to build a lot of trust with the family and now we will be teaching them next friday!
So I hurt myself pretty good the other day... we have this bike rack on our car for our bikes (go figure) and they have two arms that stick out the back... well we didn't have any bikes on it, and we normally don't have the bike rack on, but we did and I SLAMMED the trunk shut, and hit my head so hard with one of the arms on the trunk! the worst part was that a screw was on the bottom of it which hit me right on top of the head... I had no idea what hit me at first, just knew I was in extreme pain! Much worse than when I ran into a tree (he he, did I tell you all that story? funny stuff) I was quite disoriented, and OH IT HURT! I am surprised it didn't draw blood, or even just CRACK MY SKULL! It rocked me pretty good. Oi it hurt. It's been almost a week, and my head is still a bit tender.
I love being led by the spirit! we were driving in our car, and as its a new area, I'm the navigator as E. Farnsworth drives, well I was directing him and he randomly pulls off on a different street, and I said "What are you doing?" he said "Oh, ya know, we're just following the spirit" or something to that effect, indicating he felt inspired to go there. We tracted the entire street, and didn't meet anyone of interest (except a Jehovah's Witness... that was fun) our last house we ran into a family that was less active, they've been here since April but their records were never moved into the area so the ward had no idea. After meeting with them we knew that was the reason why we were on that street! Oh how I love the spirit.
Two nights ago we came home and saw this guy laying down right in front of the office of our apartments... we didn't know what was going on... so we went and grabbed our mail, and on the way back asked him if he was alright... no answer... he was breathing though, so we asked louder, we kicked his feet, we tried to rouse him as much as we could, but there was NO answer whatsoever, no response, nothing. So we called the non-emergency police, who transferred us to the Fire Dept. We told them what happened, and less than five minutes later we hear sirens, and I was thinking "Oh blast... it's not that urgent... oi vey, don't turn on the sirens" but they did... and they come screaming into our apartment complex. Oh, we were sure he was just drunk passed out, which he was... they came and they said they've seen him before, he was homeless and had done this before... so they said we could go... an ambulance came roarin' into the complex as well, and the a police car as well! I felt strange being the cause of so much commotion... meaning I called them and they responded... strangely that very night earlier in the day, I somehow accidentally pocket dialed 911!!! Oops.
We have some new investigators we're teaching and are excited to teach... we might drop kelly =[ he's just not progressing and doesn't want to progress. We're trying to contact everyone who has been taught in our areas in the past. I love this work! I love the church, I love being a missionary! I'm so grateful to be here in this area with Elder Farnsworth. I just love my job! The church is true, its all so true!
Elder Martin


  1. I'd like to hear more about this running into a tree incident.

  2. I would also like to hear more about the tree incident. You've been holding out on us, Jason! I like chocolate bubblegum! I love reading your blog--the title is AWESOME! Being led by the Spirit is wonderful. God is The Miracle Maker! I'm way excited for you. I will do my best to comment every week.
    Oh, Ammon just started to say "love you"! It's so cute. These kids are so funny. You should hear Kaien; now that he is 5 he can run faster, eat more, ride his bike without hands,stay up later, wake up earlier...etc... So funny. When he was 4 he couldn't do all those things. Emmy also has many aspirations for when she turns 4. Things like: she won't need a night light, she won't have Sadie in her room at night, and that she will be a mom and other such silly things. It is really very cute.
    Well, hope things continue as they are and get better! I'm glad your new companion is a good one! Farnsworth is a good name--I know some that live over here, they are good people.
    Have fun!
    Love ya,

  3. So how often do you send letters to the president? And does he respond to you? I sent every week, and he responded at least with a one liner and then a general letter.

    Anyway, I drempt last night that I was going back into the mission field, (as I often do) things were not going well though. Dad was driving me to the airport. When we got there I realized I didn't have my passport. I was so distraught. So I looked in my backpack to see if it was in there. It was not, but I did find a bunch of junk from my first mission, including a tupperware container full of old food.
    Then I also didn't have my plane ticket. Boy things were not going my way. I often have mission dreams. I still think about my mission and things that I learned and experienced on an almost daily basis.
    Perhaps my dream was telling me that I need to do missionary work, but that I haven't prepared myself adequately.

    Why don't you guys do any activities on P-day? Just clean and write letters??? That is pretty lame. Do something fun once in a while dude. Don't you have zone or district activities? We at least would hang out with the district practically every Pday.

    Work hard brother! I am relieved to hear that you ahve a good hard working comp now. Like I said, for me they were few and far between.

    By the way, it is weird that you only work from 10 to 9. We were 930 to 930. You guys are getting soft. What do you do with all that extra time?

    ANyway, later bro,

  4. OH DEAR! haha i said i was sorry about the tree incident! lol i feel so terrible.. ok i'm gonna go finish reading.. just had to say sorry again!


Leave a comment for Jason. Let him know what you think of his latest letter pictures, or how you're doing.