Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 13

Greetings from STILL hot Arizona! All last week its been over 100 degree's, even over 105 a lot of the days. It's OCTOBER!! Should this not end yet? I was promised it would. I feel betrayed. This week is supposed to get into the 80's! I'm so excited. The other day we went to an early morning Service project at 6 AM, and it was 77 degree's, it felt incredible! we rolled down our windows, and actually got COLD! how ridiculous is that? I'm worried for when I come home, I plan on attending BYU-Idaho, so I will literally be making a 140 degree temperature shift!
Not too much to report, all my appointments this week cancelled on us, yes literally every single one of them! without fail. We tried to go back to JoeJoe's... did I tell about him? the most vile of sinners? Ha, what a guy, I did not enjoy talking to him the first time, My comp said he's pretty much a lost cause, but we persisted anyway, and we have an appointment to teach him, so hopefully that will go well. we were supposed to teach him last week, but again everything cancelled.
How about that conference??? What a powerful piece of enlightenment! I truly loved it, I felt the spirit so strong while listening to those men speak. I have never enjoyed conference more than I did this weekend. I especially loved Elders Holland, and Scott... Elder Scott's talk made me stop taking notes, I just couldn't keep up, so I decided to just enjoy it and do a deeper study on it when the Ensign comes out! How powerful! I loved President Uchtdorf's Priesthood talk on Pride! Wow I have a lot to work on. I took more notes on that talk than I've ever taken on any talk ever in my life. I'm not a note taker though, so its not a ton. I love President Eyering, he gave 2 powerful talks! I just love that man. How about that call to missionary service by the Prophet? Whooey, that should increase the numbers, it BETTER increase the numbers. If any young man was "thinking" about going on a mission, this conference should have made up his mind for him. It is our priesthood DUTY and OBLIGATION said the prophet. Or scratch that... It is our DUTY and OBLIGATION, said the LORD. So, problem solved, no one has to question whether to serve or not anymore. Awesome. Only 38% of worthy men in America serve missions, and only 13% worldwide... Almost an embarrassing statistic! (that's of course only including church membership he he)
So Transfer news came today. I am losing my trainer, but I am staying in my area. I'm very glad to stay here, I love Goodyear Arizona! I love the wards I am serving in. I love everything about this place. I love being a missionary and am very grateful to be here when I'm here. The Lord has blessed me abundantly.
Hey, does no one read this anymore? Where are my comments? Sheesh... I need some love.
I love you all,
Elder Martin


  1. AAaah! I didn't realize I wasn't leaving comments. i'm too busy writing letters hehe.. and notes. so many music notes... transposing hymns in all 15 keys all the time... but seriously, I am so grateful when I find time to steal away to read your blog! Conference was awesome, wasn't it!I love conference. I'll told you about my favorite talks and stuff in my letter tho. Keep your chin up about the weather, its really dry and all of a sudden cold and rainy here! :) can't wait to hear from you again :)

  2. Hey, Jay-bo! I am so glad you are enjoying your mission! I am jealous in some ways--I always wanted to serve a mission, and the experiences you are having are incredible! I know you will serve with no regrets. You aren't a person that went on a mission just because everyone expected you to and you aren't a person who went just to make their mother happy (Byron)!! You are an above average missionary. Follow the rules made by your mission president, keep the commandments and your blessings from God will be more abundant than you can imagine!!
    2 Timothy 1:7-8 "For God hath not given us the spirit of; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
    Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord..."
    One of my favorite scriptures! We all love you Jason! You are AWESOME (as you well know)!
    Love ya!

    P.S. Every time I watch Bolt I am reminded of you...Rhino the hamster! He is similar to you in oh so many ways! :)

  3. So my question is this: Have you patterned your life after Rhino? Or has Rhino patterned his life after you???

    So what are your member experiences like? I just know that the members in Aussie are what kept us going. We relished the time we had with them. We weren't always blessed with an abundance of teaching. However, I can definitely link hard work to more success. So work hard. Don't ever be somewhere doing something that isn't the best good, something that could make it so you miss an opportunity. I was taught that lesson in a very poignant way on my mission. I will tell you about it sometime.


Leave a comment for Jason. Let him know what you think of his latest letter pictures, or how you're doing.