Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 89

What a week...
It started off slow.  I started preparing for a talent show that took place on Saturday.  Monday I went to try and get some background music for a song I was going to sing (I'll explain more later) but was unable to.  Ah, being a missionary sometimes is a handicap, if I could just have had the computer control, I would have been able to get it done that day.  No luck.    Tuesday I went to a different member to try and get it, he got the music for me, so we listened to it in the car on our way home, and it SKIPPED A VERSE! I felt like an idiot, we've tried 3 times to this point, so we call him and tell him its the wrong one, we go back and get the right one.  So, time to practice.  Hard to do as a missionary, cause we have so many other things to do.  I enlisted the help of one 'Elder Morton' from Meridian Idaho, who would be singing some parts of it, we practiced once on Wednesday, again on thursday during our Dinner hour, and then on Friday we had a sound check.  We did the sound check and it went awful! we didn't know what we were doing, so we went and practiced it 3 times and nearly perfected it.  Tried again with the microphones, and it was good! we were excited.  Satruday comes around and we get all of our investigators invited, and all the less active members, hoping that they would care enough to come and support me, secretly also wanting them to just come to a church event! no one showed up!!! It was a stake talent show, so quite a few other people showed up.  I will be sending Melanie some video soon so she can post what occurred.  It was well received, everyone seemed to really enjoy it.  It was a parody of Bohemian Rhapsody, a missionary parody.  It was a lot of fun! had a few mistakes... Elder Morton had 2 lines, both of which he messed up, but he still did really awesome.  I at one point accidentally turned off the Mic.  But it was fun.  Sunday in Sacrament meeting, a high councilor spoke, and for 5 minutes he talked about my song! it was a little bit awkward. 
So the weather has been crazy up here lately! Thursday, it was 70+ degrees! it was awesome! Saturday got really windy, Sunday we woke up to snow! and Today even MORE snow! Sedona was hit with a full foot of snow.  Worst part about it is that we live in a terrible apartment! its really not that bad, but the roof does leak, and its right over my BED! thankfully I was able to move it so it just misses me by about a half an inch. 
Hmmm, what else happened this week? It was Elder Davenport's Birthday.  On Sunday I stood up in Priesthood Meeting and said "Tomorrow is Elder Davenports Birthday, and he will be accepting Gifts Cards, as well as Cake, or anything that his companion can benefit from".  He got nothing.  I hope I didn't jinx it for him.
So we were tracting on Friday, and we walked by this house with a bunch of kids outside, and one just walked out, and we saw the family inside, the mom yells to her kid "And Don't talk to those weirdo's in ties!" ha... thanks lady.  Is it strange that I quite enjoy those situations and stories? they always make me laugh.  We were the weirdo's???? It was 4 in the afternoon and she was still in her PJ's, but whatever.
Welll.... I think that is about all for this week.
Elder Martin

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