Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 71

I feel drained! But I'm pretty sure its because I just ate macaroni and cheese, and I always feel really tired and groggy after eating that 'food'.  But in life, I am happy.  It's been a good week.  I think I have some answering to do...

So the yellow shoes.  It's a good story don't worry.  They are not mine.  End of story.  Okay I'll tell more.  We had to come down to Cottonwood early for those meetings, and I forgot my shoes up here in cottonwood, so I borrowed the shoes of Elder Buttars a missionary we stayed with.  I'm not sure which picture of me made it look like I was up instructing... so I am not sure what to say about that.  Maybe in Zone Leader Council, but I wasn't instructing, I was singing.  Was it in a church? was I with my companion? in that case, it was during a role play that Elder Duncan called me up for.

We finally found a new investigator! hurray, he's a great guy, not sure how it will go.  He believes the story of Joseph Smith, but I'm not sure he see's its significance.  But I'm really excited to teach him! We've been meeting with another person, Betty, who says she knows me from somewhere... I suggested the pre-earth life.  She doesn't believe in that.  She's very much a seventh day adventist, and its going to be a struggle to get her over some of those things.  She's a sweet lady though and really enjoys us coming over.

I am so much out of time on the computer today... I don't really know what else to write.  Life is good, The church is True! if you don't believe me, just ask me, and I'll tell you it is.

That's all for this week, sorry for a boring letter! I wish I could include more.

Elder Martin

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