Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 47

It has been an incredible week! One of the best ever!
One of our investigators called us and wanted us to come over as soon as we could. We were hoping she got an answer. Not quite... she has a member boyfriend, and they wanted to confess some sins to us. We advised them to talk with the Bishop, but she said that she had prayed and felt better about things! so that's awesome!
Wednesday we were going to different less active members homes, and there is one we haven't been to ever, because we could never find it. The address simply did not exist! but we finally found the house and the right address! it was the gallegos family. Actually, only the mom was a member. So we went over, and did some ninja moves to get to the door... there were all kinds of obstacles... including electrical fences, but we finally made it. We knock on the door, and this girl answers, but we can't see her cause of the dang security screen (I HATE those things) so we ask if she is sister gallegos, she said yes, and we told her who we were. She invited us to go around back and talk to her... so we work our way through the obstacles one more time, and meet her around back. It wasn't sister gallegos, but her 17 year old daughter. She was very friendly and invited us to come back later. We came back a few hours later, and the Dad met us at the door before we even knocked, I was worried. I thought for sure he was going to just say "No thanks guys, BEAT IT!" But he simply opened the door and invited us in. We went in and sat and talked with the mom and the dad for about 35 minutes, about halfway through the 17 year old daughter came in and listened as well. They have 4 kids at home, and we have an appointment with them this saturday! super nice family, I am very exited to teach them.
Thursday we did almost no normal missionary work. We planned for the week, had a meeting, and then helped someone move! one of my favorite families moved, the Smith family who we have been working with since probably last September. The dad is a non member, and used to really not like Mormons, but I really think the move softened him a bit, it was awesome.
Friday we stopped by a referral that has been so hard to get to. This lady has been so nice to missionaries in our district, but is never home when we go over. She even bought one of the Elders a new bike tire! so we finally got to talk with them, and I love them! we talked for about an hour about the gospel and everything, they are so excited to read the Book of Mormon and to study with us, and even to come to church if they ever can. The husband has some really bad health problems that prevent him from coming to church, cause he is in hospitals 3 times a week, one of them being sunday. But we can resolve that. They have two awesome kids, and they were all homeschooled. We currently are teaching 4 families! I never thought I would teach a family, this is so wonderful, I hope I can stay.
That's all for now.
Elder Martin

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