Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 10

Hello my loyal followers! nah, can you imagine?
So what a wonderful week! We ran into some pretty crazy people this week, and some great people. Okay just one crazy fella who was the clear cut definition of Sin. He didn't want to talk to us at first, but he said he was bored so why not? He laughed at us when we said we have a prophet who speaks with God and then said we have 2 minutes to convince him that we are worth talking to. I immediately told him about the power of the Book of Mormon, we stayed for 20 minutes. He argued and brought up what he thought were excellent points. The spirit was with us, and wouldn't allow us to be confounded. He had no answer for many of our explanations, and we pretty well just told him off very boldly on many issues. I generally don't speak very boldly to the people we talk to, but I was pretty upfront with this guy, told him he would never be happy if he continued to live in sin. He said that's what made him happy. I told him he was lying to himself and that he knew he wasn't happy. Not in those exact words, but something close to. We pretty much just called this kid to repentance, cause he needs it! and there were a couple of times when I told him his thoughts on life were plain stupid. We're going to go back this week and talk to him some more, hopefully teach the Restoration.
We had a new family we taught, one member and another who had never heard much about the church, the member hadn't been to church in probably 20 or 30 years. It was possibly the worst lesson I've ever taught! I don't know what was wrong, but every answer I gave seemed hard to give, I couldn't speak clearly, I was confusing even to me! We're going to teach them again, so thankfully it wasn't too bad, but I was greatly humbled, I'm not sure what was wrong, but I just wasn't able to teach! I do know I have many things to learn from that lesson, and hopefully I learn them! I don't want a repeat.
We found a new person to teach through tracting, he was a great guy! he listened to us, was very gracious and very open to what we were saying. I really hope to bring him the happiness he is seeking in his life. Teaching the gospel is such a wonderful thing! Even when we teach lessons to members, I love it! I love the spirit that comes whenever we teach of Joseph Smith, and especially of the Savior. I have gained a testimony of the importance of telling everyone I come in contact with about the church... some places i'm not allowed to, but mostly I can!
Ah I wish all our investigators would just come to church!!! I get frustrated when an investigator has gained a testimony, but doesn't come to church, and always cancels with us! it happens all the time! well it has happened a lot the past two weeks! Satan is not sitting by idly as we go about doing the work of the Lord, that is for sure. But the Spirit of the Lord is much stronger than anything else in this world!
Elder Martin

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